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Results for "main_practice: "Beauty", latest_content: 1"
Birthday of Corita Kent (PDP) Honoring the nun, pop artist, and educator.
Birthday of Claude Monet Observe the birthday of the French Impressionist painter Claude Monet with your own experience of dawn light.
National Parks Week A week for special appreciation of and activities in U.S. national parks.
Birthday of Vincent Van Gogh Remembering the Dutch artist whose visionary abilities perceived the sacred in the ordinary.
Simplify A meditation to review your life and explore the decisions and choices that would simplify it.
Hello Beauty! A spiritual exercise to help you make summertime into sacred time.
Look for Beauty Jim Forest on finding beauty in all faces and places.
Rumi in Open Secret Today, like every other day
Spiritual Literacy Film Series Short spiritual films to inspire and comfort you during the coronavirus pandemic.
With Your Feet A Navajo prayer on walking in beauty.